I don't know what I want to become anymore in life! I feel lost should I end it?

I wanted to be an artist when I was a kid.
Then I wanted to become an astronaut.

I wanted to become an actor at teenage but I dropped it because I was SCARED and insecure AF.

I ended up in medical school, worked hard but HATED IT the MOST.

Now I am pursuing media and disappointed after looking at the competition and lack of opportunities.

I lost interest in acting because the industry is FAKE, dirty, superficial and dangerous.

Now I hate hardworking overall. I feel like I'm going nowhere.

I suddenly wanna be an artist but I know I'll get bored in long term.

All I wanna do is explore the world, travel, sit in museums all day, look at beautiful art, go to theatre, water parks, read topics of my interest, chill, hangout, celebrate Halloween, Christmas and have coffee with friends.

I feel scared to start anything because I am not consistent and also feel threatened by people who are 100 times better than me. :( I'm 23.
I don't know what I want to become anymore in life! I feel lost should I end it?
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