Reminder: Irrational Numbers are abstractions. What do you think?

The number "PI" does not exist in nature. It only exists as an abstraction.

The Universe is finite, therefore you cannot have an infinite number of decimal places in a number, therefore irrational numbers do not exist in nature.

This also means "Excluded middle" and "Mid-point theorem" are not guaranteed to work in the real world, because it is not safe to assume an infinite number of decimal places for ANY number, nevermind doing so for two or three numbers being compared to one another.

Real World Example:

Even a Proton is not a perfect Sphere or Circle. It's actually triangular. It's made of two Quarks of one type and one Quark of another type, so it's not possible for that to add up to a Sphere.
Reminder: Irrational Numbers are abstractions. What do you think?
1 Opinion