What do you think of this situation?

This is going to be a multi part as this is an extensive situation here goes:
Is it wrong for me to feel jealous over my boss and her husbands relationship? I don’t know why I feel this way towards my boss but I do. First of all I am married with children and have my own family and life to take care of so this shouldn’t even be a thing but it is. Nobody at all knows I feel this way and I just have this urge time and time again to want to pursue her. I guess to see if it is fact a possibly or maybe an attempt to plant the seed in her head in case things ever went bad with her husband. I would be built up enough in a positive light so she may show an interest right away in me and get things moving.
My entire life I’ve always heard that a preachers daughter is the worst kind of woman to be involved with and be careful doing so (being wild etc) so I have that mindset going in, but in this case I don’t think she is a that person. She was raised in all private/home Christian school setting though. She seems to reflect that. She seems good natured about how she behaves if that makes any sense, almost so that sometimes I wished I had ended up with someone like that, someone that can help me be the person I need to be to carry out whatever the lords plan is. I feel at times I can do that with her, I just don’t know how to go about it.
even sent her praise and compliments time to time about how she is doing a great job and that her leadership was an inspiration to keep up the good work. She sent me an instant message saying thank you for the kind words you are really sweet, I appreciate all of your comments with a blushing emoticon. Talking with her in my performance reviews, we sometimes get on a personal level and we share things about our personal lives whats going on etc.
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Now she starts putting her lunch next to mine in the refrigerator and there's tons of space in there too. Leaving work yesterday she was standing talking and turns towards me and immediately flush red on her face and her eyes got real big. Smiling and waving moving her fingers waving.
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Might I add in the last month she states in a conversation that her husband only has two days off a week and works third shift and she never sees him because we are in the office those days. Said they were like ships passing in the night, that same day during this conversation she took her wedding ring off and had her hand pointed openly toward me showing empty fingers whatever that meant
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And that she mentions on Skype she's taken notice of how well of a job I'm doing as of late she really appreciates what I do.
What do you think of this situation?
5 Opinion