The person being very prejudiced help me take him off by reading this post?

This person ( Bean2K21 ) actually calling Mexicans a Mexican leaf blower read their post I am pretty sure you would think this is the most racial slur prejudiced thing you have heard in a long time please help us keep this site clean this is not a site where someone should be allowed to call Mexicans who are hard working and equals to all other races to be called Mexican leaf blowers just because they're entrepreneurs of a different kind like packing a leaf blower on their back or wrecking leaves they are known as gardeners tree trimmers and other such types of work that have to do with gardening this person ( Bean2K21 ) should have there profile removed for a very long time or forever I myself am only a concerned citizen I'm not even Mexican but I am of the Spanish race please help defend all Races so we don't have to do what you prejudiced ones.
God Bless
The person being very prejudiced help me take him off by reading this post?
3 Opinion