Poor management?

I got fired at my job today, my manager and her part time assistant manager bestie came in and talked to me saying that she heard some complaints about me and that I’m demanding on associates, lack of duties (meaning didn’t want to take out the trash) scheduled an interview without letting the manager know (even though she didn’t inform me about her changing my schedule and making me work on my day off) and was on my phone. All of these were employee complaints not customer. I’m never demanding and telling associates what to do. I was on my phone because my grandma recently passed so I was getting family messages. I’m part of management team and the fact she never asked me for a meeting or given me a warning, just flat out let me go. This is not the grounds of being fired I’m the only full time assistant manager when there’s 2 part timers. I never called out and did a no call no show I always contacted the mod if I’m running late or there’s an emergency. I got written up once due to register problem that i did on accident. I even got most of my tasks taken away and she gave them the the pt assistant manager that she’s buddy buddy with. My job had a lot of favoritism and gossip, of course I wasn’t happy and I even told her that. I don’t like sharing personal information unless I have to so basically the manager was planning to fire me for a while I guess. I was poorly treated and I knew something was up because I wasn’t interviewing new employees and training them. Since the manager doesn’t know shit about unemployment the assistant manager had the nerve to tell me I’ll get denied when I file unemployment. It’s funny because the manager has so balls to talk to me to herself so she had to have backup how pathetic. No worries though I’ll file a complaint because I have the right to. Good thing I went on an interview this morning but I shall continue applying to more jobs. I was super miserable at this job so I’m relieved that I won’t be working there anymore.
Poor management?
4 Opinion