If someone keeps asking have you "spoken to so & so" does it mean so & so wants to talk with you or just generic curiosity/nosiness from other person?

I am curious because this guy keeps asking if I have spoken to so & so at a job. I quit the job suddenly and walked off because management was poor. I could never once rely on management for anything. Even customers and fill-in staff realized that.

That's obvious by how as 1 employee I had to oversee one business and help at a second newly opened location as well. Was scheduled 6-7 days a week. Working with inept/poorly trained or simply inexperienced (as in no experience) colleagues.

And after I left they hired 2-3 staff, scheduled 5 days, splitting the long 10-hour shifts, and working predominantly with the manager who has 30 years of experience.
So & so wants to talk with you
Just general curiosity/nosiness from the other person
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If someone keeps asking have you "spoken to so & so" does it mean so & so wants to talk with you or just generic curiosity/nosiness from other person?
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