Did I get fired from my job unfairly due to my ex girlfriend (details) ?

I had been working for my job at the airport as having performed service standards role actively for a month only and then I have got fired from my job about two weeks ago because of the negative decision of my supervisors and the management stemming from my distraction and poor adaptation performance on my work. Yeah, perhaps this reason apparently might seem true or acceptable enough for firing but the management didn't accept me for any branch or department else at my workplace. Initially, they said that the trial period would last two months but they dismissed me within a month only.. My ex girlfriend's mother had given my CV to the airport management and she had claimedly several connections and newtorks with employees there. Just two weeks after our breakup I got fired and one of the management staff said that "we'd been observing and evaluating yourself for two weeks rigorously and eventually dismissal decision has been taken, and you have no right for working at another departments at anytime since you might have revealed the same low performance and distraction there as you were like" and reclaimed my ID cards then let me to go. All these coincidences cannot stay into the same place altogether from my personal viewpoint. My brain has been too confused and feeling very frustrated. Do they fire me because of the order of her mother? What do you think about it? Should I seek my rights in aferwards? That was my first job experience and all they were already aware of this..

Have I been victimized by the great conspiracy from my ex girlfriend?

Did I get fired from my job unfairly due to my ex girlfriend (details) ?
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