5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

1. Cost of the Tickets

Where I live, there are 2 movie theaters. One is the fancy movie theater and has new movie releases all the time. The other is the cheap movie theater and has relatively old movie releases. Adult tickets at the fancy movie theater are close to $10, while adult tickets at the cheap movie theater are under $5. With some patience, the cheap movie theater may acquire newer movies, and so it really pays off to visit the cheap movie theater consistently. Alternatively, the most economical option is to wait for the library to purchase the product. Many times, libraries will purchase the movies and put them in circulation, making the movies free for all patrons.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

2. Cost of the Food

The food is ridiculously overpriced in the movie theaters. But if you want to buy food in the movie theater, then it's actually more economical to purchase the popcorn and share the popcorn bag with your friends, family, or date than to buy a single meal for yourself.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

3. Empty-Calorie Food

Most of the food products in movie theaters are high in calories and low in nutrients. Popcorn, hot dog, fried chicken, soda pop, French fries, candy, and the like. If you want to have something to munch on while watching the movie, then you should bring a piece of fruit that does not make too much noise. A crispy apple will produce a crunchy sound, but an orange is much quieter. You may bring a water bottle too, or you may drink from the water fountain. The water is usually free in the movie theater and placed next to the bathrooms.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

4. Netflix 'n' Chill

Instead of going to the movie theater, you may watch a movie on Netflix at home and chill in the literal sense of the phrase.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies

5. Show your Date how Frugal you are

You know you have no money to go on a date. So, you invite your date to your home and make the best of it. Obviously, you don't invite a stranger to your house. You get to know that person well enough to the point that you feel comfortable to invite that person to your house, have a party, or go on a private date. Frugality is a valuable skill to have in the modern world, and if your date knows how frugal you are, your date will know that you are very good with handling money. A person who lives below his means will save big and have enough to provide for a future.

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Your Date To The Movies
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