10 TV Shows That'll Ease Your Game of Thrones Withdrawal

10 TV Shows That'll Ease Your Game of Thrones Withdrawal

I'm going to assume that since you're reading this, you're into Game of Thrones, and subsequently I will also assume you're perfectly fine with gratuitous sex scenes and random acts of horrific violence. If you're not, stop and turn back now. Or don't. I don't care but don't blame me when you're watching one of these shows with your kids and a sex scene that is borderline porn comes on.


This show follows Ragnar, a former farmer who rises to his glory as King of Denmark. If you don't like the sex scenes from Game of Thrones but love everything else, this show is perfect for you. The sex scenes aren't as bad but this show still has power struggles, badass women, and doesn't skip out on the violence.

Penny Dreadful

I am willing to bet you are familiar with Dr. Frankenstein and Dorian Gray. This show brings characters like that to life. Creepy and very macabre, it's a psychological thriller set in Victorian London. It has historical elements, family drama, creepy-crawlies, and beloved literature.

The Borgias

If you need a family to hate not counting the Lannisters, the Borgias family is for you. The Borgias were a real life family in Italy, this show shows their rise to power. Incestuous line included. This show is filled with corruption, bribery, extortion, torture, power, and family.

Sons of Anarchy

The setting is probably the farthest from the Game of Thrones' setting but it does have power struggles and shocking deaths. It was influenced by Hamlet and like Game of Thrones, and the plot is a twisted web.

The Tudors

This show is about King Henry VII and his reign over England. This is a historical fiction TV show, so there will be inaccuracies. If you get offended, don't watch. Like Game of Thrones, this show has power struggles, horrific death scenes, and Natalie Dormer.


Rome is about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. It only lasted for 22 episodes because it was insanely expensive to make but you see everything you need to see. But at the same time, it feels unfinished. It has an interesting story and you will get a Game of Thrones feeling watch it. It also portrays the culture of Rome well.

Black Sails

Black Sails is the prequel to Treasure Island. It's full of crazy storylines and is basically the pirates version of Game of Thrones. It tells of the pirating Captain Flint fighting to maintain control of his island which is filled with prostitutes, thieves, and enemy pirates.


This show is pre-biblical and is about the gladiator Spartacus. He led a slave uprising in Ancient Rome. Just like GoT, this show has all the violence, sex, and betrayal that anyone can handle.

Boardwalk Empire

Period drama set during Prohibition time. Show focuses on Enoch "Nucky" Thompson who is a bootlegger and his rise to power. Thought-provoking and violent, it was considered a severely underrated show for the time that it ran on television.

The Bastard Executioner

Sad this only lasted for one season. It had so much potential. If you loved Game of thrones, you will definitely love this show. It has authentic sword fighting, witches, a nice queen, historic elements, and of course a badass executioner.

10 TV Shows That'll Ease Your Game of Thrones Withdrawal
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