Why the New England Patriots are the Greatest American Football Team of All Time


I saw this video just now and it made me want to write this mytake :P This guy Nick Wright doesn't get it at all! I'm a Falcons fan by the way so I'm not really the person you'd expect to write this but I will anyway. I've never hated the Patriots since I started liking football. I don't see why I should. Because they're good?

Nick Wright in this video says he doesn't think the Patriots are good because they didn't seem convincing in their victories or he thought the Steelers played the better game etc. He thinks the Patriots are vexing because they always win but don't seem that good. And the best one was he thinks it's frustrating THAT THEY NEVER BEAT THEMSELVES.

What??? Sorry???

I can understand where he's coming from a bit. People wanna see great talent, amazing plays, passion, playing with heart, overcoming huge obstacles and odds to win etc. That's what gets them excited. But that's not the only thing that's important.

Should you really be frustrated with the Patriots because they don't beat themselves ? NO!!!

You should be frustrated with every other team in the league! The Patriots are really the only team that deserves the title "professional" football team. All the other teams are like amateurs. The Patriots always have low turnovers, not many penalties, they don't screw up clock management, they don't get caught off guard by the other team because they're always well prepared, instead they prey on the tendencies and weaknesses of the other team and get in their head.

There's a quote that is repeated a lot: "Before you can learn how to win a football game you have to learn how not to lose a football game" And the Patriots have mastered not losing more than any other team. They don't make it easy for you. Are they unbeatable? No, but you have to play well and actually beat them, and you can't make mistakes because they will take advantage.

People can call it frustrating all they want but I'd say they should call it something else: Greatness.

If you're so frustrated with it why don't other teams do better? BE BETTER. Why don't they become more disciplined? Stop giving other teams penalties, stop fumbling, prepare more, work harder, be better. It's not like the Patriots have been doing this since yesterday, they've been winning for a long time, why don't other teams adapt and do better themselves? Some football organisations are jokes, they can't do things right. This is your job, so put effort into it, try and be better.

There's players who dropped the ball before the goalline because they thought they were cool or something. Why are you doing that? You're getting paid to play this game and you act like a fucking Diva? This is not a red carpet, or a reality tv show or whatever, you're paid to do your job, so do it.

I have ADHD and I was very disorganised and I procrastinated and I didn't really have plans, I just kinda lived and did what I liked. I was good at learning and thinking so I did well in school without much effort and I thought that was good, I didn't see anything wrong until I got to university and I couldn't succeed because I just wasn't organised, I didn't learn regularly and read all the books we had to read etc.

After some wasted time and my life going downhill I saw things more clearly, I saw the things that were causing my probems and I started trying to get better at them. Be more organised, be more productive, try harder, try and improve your habits to live a better more fulfilling and healthier life, keep challenging yourself etc.

The Patriots are like the roman empire. They took over the world because they had the best infrastructure ever, it was so far ahead of their time. They had the best strategy and tactics in battle, they had the most professional and disciplined troops. Even if they were far outnumbered they would win battles. That's how they built an empire that lasted 1000 years, and after it fell, human civilisation took a step backwards, not forwards.

If the romans won a battle you could say, Oh they're so boring with their fighting style and their big shields and their formations, they have no individuality and heart. But nobody cares, they'd win the battle capture the soldiers they didn't kill, sell them as slaves and take over the land they conquered. That's what you got for losing to them, nobody cares if you think how they won was not exciting.

In the NFL, the worst teams get the highest draft picks and there's the salary cap that doesn't allow a team to pay the players more than a certain amount to make sure that the team with the most money doesn't just buy all the best players and win. I actually think this is a good system because it makes things more competitive. In Baseball the NY Yankees won a ton of championships just because they had so much money. Of course there were other factors but the playing field is not really even.

In Football, the worst teams actually get an advantage, but the Patriots still manage to be successful all the time. Because of the coaching, the discipline, the preparation, the hard work that they put in. Of course Tom Brady is a great player and that helps, but I think it's more the culture and the will to win that makes them great.

Having talent and playing to your strengths is easy, anybody can do that. But you won't make any progress like that. Your strengths got you where you are, if you keep relying on them keep doing the same thing you will stay in the same place. But if you see your weaknesses and start improving them and turning them into a strength, you will make huge progress. If you do that you can play out your strength even more because you can combine it with your newly aquired skills to do even greater things.

A lot of NFL teams just rely on the talent of their players and just go with that, try and make it work.

But discipline, preparation etc. These things are important. It's not easy to work on your weaknesses, otherwise it wouldn't be your weakness. If it came naturally to you then it would be your strength. But that's what separates the professionals from just the talented players.

Every great athlete, or someone who has success in other areas has to grind, maybe it's boring but you have to do it. Without the work, without improving your weaknesses and maintaining your strengths you're not going anywhere. To me it takes more passion to work hard on the things you're not really good at, beeing at it every day, putting in more than you're even required to and trying to be the best, than it does to be flashy, cause a scene on the sideline and get in the news or things like that.

If they don't have passion or heart, why are they working so hard to win? If the other teams were better and matched the Patriots in their discipline and preparation and strategy then the Patriots would have to improve, they would have to find new ways to win, they would have to play better, maybe show more genius, but until that happens they will keep taking advantage of the shortcomings of other teams and keep taking the wins even if "it doesn't look like they were that good or like they deserved it" "the other team looked like they played the better game"

It seems like Nick Wright doesn't understand life or professional sports at all, I don't know if he should even be on tv if he can't get that the Patriots ARE GREAT and they deserve every win they get. Tom Brady is having trouble at the end of the season because his body is aging. But instead of using that as some kind of argument why the Patriots aren't that good, he should be admired for playing at such a high level even though his body is not as capable of handling the stress of this sport. If you're frustrated with the Patriots winning, be better it's that simple really.

Why the New England Patriots are the Greatest American Football Team of All Time
23 Opinion