What Does YouTube Mean to You?

What does YouTube mean to you?

I wanted to ask this question but decided to make it a myTake instead. How influential has YouTube been in your life? I have friends who are on it all the time. I have friends who occasionally hop on to watch either music, random vids, or Pewdiepie. I am not a big YouTuber. I listen to my music via SoundCloud, radio, iTunes, friends recommendations etc. While I'm a small-time gamer (Animal Crossings/Mario Kart/SSBB), I don't hop on to watch gaming vids. I watch my shows via Netflix/Hulu and do have cable at home, so I don't subscribe to tv shows on this forum.

What Does YouTube Mean to You?

Do you subscribe to watch television shows from YouTube? I know Google makes it exciting and all via advertising, but I think being on YouTube constantly is unproductive in general. (Yes being on any social media forum can be time-consuming and take away from real world goals/tasks.) So, do you subscribe? Is your free time spent on randomly surfing YouTube? What draws you to watching YouTube?

What Does YouTube Mean to You?

I literally watch YouTube every month or so if one of my friends tells me I HAVE to see this video or that video. I enjoy the visit but make it brief. My friends have channels and I must admit it, I don't get the process either. Do you have a channel? More than one? What do you have on it? Do you advertise on this website for it? Do you make money from your channel? Is it exhausting constantly uploading new material? Do you love it? Do you hate it? How do you deal with haters?

Thanks for reading and please please please educate me!

What Does YouTube Mean to You?
11 Opinion