My Favorite YouTubers


What I do all day long is sit on my computer and watch youtube. That's all, I have no life. So here is a list of my favorite youtube channels to watch, in no paticular order.

Jenna Marbles

She has a really stupid sense of humor and I do too and that's why I like her so much. She also makes me feel better about being weird because she's weird too lol

I love watching the videos of her and her boyfriend Julien because they're hilarious together and they make a cute couple, yanno?

I used to have a huge crush on her when I was 14 lol

Shane Dawson

Shane has two styles of videos. His old style were sketches where he would dress up as different characters, and most of the time he was trying to give advice or tell a message in a funny way. His humor used to be really offensive, but that was before everyone became sensitive little babies who can't take jokes.

Now his videos are more vloggy. He sits in front of his camera and tries different food, plays with weird kids toys, tries life hacks, etc, while making jokes. He also has a creepy series where he talks about murderers or conspiracy theories.

I like both styles equally because I just love everything about Shane lol

Todrick Hall

He is a suuuper talented singer. My favorite videos from him are his parodies. He always does ghetto parodies of certain songs or movies.

He used to do flash mobs, or he would sing his orders at fast food restaurants.

He was on American Idol too. His voice and creativity blows me away.

Brandon Rogers

I discovered him when his "Mad tea part" video went viral. So many clips from his videos go viral. Like the clip of him dressed as an old man where he goes "try me bitch" lol

He's the only youtuber where I die laughing at every single one of his videos. Not even an exaggeration, all of them make me laugh so hard.

He's so underrated, he deserves a lot more subscribers.

Please watch this, you won't regret it.

Rob Dyke

This one might be kind of random but I just love videos or shows about murders and mysteries and stuff like that.

Rob always tells stories of strange deaths or murders or crimes, etc. Or he talks about really crazy stuff that happened to people.

That's why his channel is one of my favorites.

The only thing is I can never watch his videos too late at night because they scare me sometimes..

My favorite series of his is Twisted Tens

Youtubers that I USED to like

Onision - He used to be funny but now all he does is cause controversy. He does it on purpose too. He's a dick.

PrankvsPrank - I used to love them but then their pranks starting getting really lazy. They broke up now so no more pranks at all sadly. Well I think they do public pranks but I can't watch public pranks, they make me cringe.

Smosh - I used to LOVE them when I was like 12. Because that's who their humor is aimed at, 12 year old boys. Some of their OLD videos are still kinda funny though

There are a bunch of other YouTubers I really like, but these are the main ones that I watch all the time.

The end ;)

My Favorite YouTubers

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My Favorite YouTubers
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