How The Filmmakers of Fantastic Beasts 2 Could Have Made Dumbledore Gay Without Pissing Off Conservatives Audiences


HP fans might have heard they're not directly addressing dumbledore's homoerotic love for grindlewald (or whatever his name is) in fantastic beasts 2. I personally think this is cowardly. They already have enough problems with keeping depp on despite him beating his wife mercilessly. anyhoo, here are some things I think they could have figured out to make the gay love storyline work for more close minded audiences without making them feel too uncomfortable

Make Dumbledore Flamboyant

How The Filmmakers of Fantastic Beasts 2 Could Have Made Dumbledore Gay Without Pissing Off Conservatives Audiences

The thing is i dont' think conservative fans have a problem with homosexuality existing in the harry potter universe--they have a problem with it being superimposed in order to be "politically correct" and make all the millenialls appeased. So, if dumbledore is more obviously a gay man then i don't think they'd object to him having romantic affection for another man. It's the fact that dumbledore has never showed any interest whatever to anyone and all of a sudden he's a homosexual that i think annoys conservatives who feel like its just tacked on as part of a liberal agenda.

Treat It Like It's Not Weird

How The Filmmakers of Fantastic Beasts 2 Could Have Made Dumbledore Gay Without Pissing Off Conservatives Audiences

Another thing liberals do to ruin gay storylines is make them like this special thing that deserves to overtake the entire movie. Try treating the gay storyline just like you would a straight storyline and see let the audience take its cues from the characters. Don't have other characters respond to dumbledore's love with outrage--let them just see it as they'd see any an attraction to a woman. For god sake there's flying broomsticks and anthropomorphic trees and you're freaked out by two men loving each other?

Don't Pay It Off With Physical Intimacy

How The Filmmakers of Fantastic Beasts 2 Could Have Made Dumbledore Gay Without Pissing Off Conservatives Audiences

There's no need to see any actual physical intimacy since as i understand it grindlewald turned out to be a horrible human being. Dumbledore can pine, develop feelings, but never get a payoff since in the end the man he loves ends up betraying everything he stands for. Easy out for a movie to not have to show any guy on guy action that would make conservative audiences want to run out of the theater

How The Filmmakers of Fantastic Beasts 2 Could Have Made Dumbledore Gay Without Pissing Off Conservatives Audiences
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