Sierra Burgess Is A Loser : Movie Review


Well,hello everyone.

It's me again.

Sierra Burgess Is A Loser is a new Netflix Teen Movie.

Sierra Burgess Is A Loser : Movie Review

It's a movie basically about a girl who catfishes a guy by..."accident".... with a picture of a girl she really dislikes and ends up falling in love with the him and him with "her".

Link of the trailer :

Sierra is a smart student and basically your average "popular boy falls in love with a loser girl" high school movie protagonist, she is a bit over-weight,not really pretty and hopeless romantic.

*eye roll for originality*

Veronica is the classic mean girl of these kind of movies, she is a cheerleader, pretty and surprise surprise she has issues with her home and her mom is kinda pushing her being a bitch.

*eye roll again for originality*

Then we have the guy protagonist :

Jamey which is actually pretty original, considering most main characters in these kind of movies are either players....or at least decent smart.

He is a bit derpy, still a quarterback and popular though, cute and kinda easy to manipulate.

Like I said in the beggining the whole plot is about how Jamey after a bitchy joke,that Veronica made with her even more bitchy friends, messages Sierra thinking it's Veronica herself, and they start talking and flirting till one day he calles her "veronica".

*Let's make something clear to this point though, Sierra knew very well that Jamey thought he was talking to another girl and not her, however she wasn't sure about who.*

After Sierra realizes the situation, she has already fallen in love with Jamey and wants to tell the truth but she is is too afraid to tell him cause she is insecure about her looks... So she gets Veronica somehow blackmailed in order to help her manipulate Jamey.

I'm not going to spoil more though, let's get to my opinion on the movie.

Sierra Burgess Is A Loser : Movie Review

I honestly didn't like it, at all.

It was unoriginal and really bad for young people's brains because basically it pretty much gives false hopes to all these girls with big dreams.

It teaches that manipulating and lying to someone is sooo fun and can actually work well for you at the end...Yeah, no.

Also Sierra didn't deserve the ending she got cause she is a freaking psychopath, like, seriously.

She lied in order to get someone to like her, she manipulated him, she pretended to be unable to speak, she pretended to be someone else, she blackmailed and then exposed Veronica when she was nothing but good with her (after a specific time in the movie) and she reasoned that behaviour to..

Her insecurities.


Oh well, to end this,

My rating would be a 4/10.

You can go watch it, it's a decent chick lit, however don't have really high expectations on it.

That's it for today babydolls.

Till next time, stay sassy.

- AngelicEmpress

Sierra Burgess Is A Loser : Movie Review
40 Opinion