Dearest Literature

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My 3 Most Favorites Of All Time :

1. Sam Madison

Seth Everett, be still in my heart! The most beautiful character ever crafted, the memorable image of a heartbroken heartbreaker (as reads the title), this woman added new profound details to the archetype. Truly, if layering is art, Madison be artist.

You can quite see it on her message board. It's littered with messages all across the globe, that her little works are blowing minds!

The Heartbroken Heartbreaker would always be my dearly cherished book. If I've a grandchild in future, I'll make sure to give them its hard copy. (<3)

2. Oscar Wilde

Attractive, seductive and writings so delightful . . . Please tell me I'm dreaming. Cause until the moment I laid eyes on Wilde, I was under the impression that's too much to ask from a man.

Needless to say, Wilde is a dream. A hilarious, charming one you've during daytime. Every morning I read scrapes of his work before I go to college. What a mood lifter!

I wanna be somebody's Dorian Gray.

3. TS Elliott / Anton Chekhov

Plays, I've read too many and so have I memorized lines poetical but these two (not a duo). . . they're the very reason the cynic in me hopes, and laughs at self, I can't even begin praising them - simply wondrous.

Elliott and I. Kind of piss takers but mostly amusing. Whereas Chekhov, grr, as someone into script writing - gotta take a lot of notes from this guy.

That's all for now.

Are these your favorites too? If not, are you at least familiar? Lmk your favorite literary figures below !!

Dearest Literature
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