How, I, Rate an anime.

There are many ways to rate an anime.
The most effective way that I feel is
1. Time Criterion.
2. Do I wish to watch that anime again? (Criterion 2).

Time Criterion:- It is defined as the anime series that I am watching, How much it actually feels. Anime is of 23 minutes. and some anime are so interesting that I feel only 5 Minutes has passed since it has started. In the same sense. I have categorised this TIme criterion.

5 Minutes:- The anime is of 23 Minutes but feels like 5 minutes. (4 points).
11 Minutes:- The anime is of 23 Minutes but feels like 11 minutes. (3 points).
23 Minutes:- The anime is of 23 Minutes but feels like 23 minutes. (2 points).
2 Hours:- The anime is 23 Minutes but feels like 2hours, Boring but killing me. (1 point).
Drop:- I have dropped a few anime, which story was not very drooling, Maybe the plot was twist and turns. same scenario with different characters. MC is crying, or dull. (0 points).

The second Criterion is:-

Is Anime is making me addicted to it? Do I want to watch that anime again? I am very Strict towards watching stuff. I watch a series just once, So for me, it is a big deal if I am watching the same anime again.

Let me present you an example of How I rate an anime. (This is the most basic way of rating. there are many parameters that I have not considered yet.)

An Example of the Rating system.
An Example of the Rating system.
How, I, Rate an anime.
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