Don't downplay the subtle intricacies of the plotlines and the stories of the characters, women love the soap opera and the pageantry and pomp of pro wrestling, not just the glistening man-beasts and the glam-rock hair.
They love it all. And they love it on PayPerView. Check your local listings.
They watch it cause it's violent, and guys who are violent and barbaric are their number one turn on.
Since we were kids, my brothers always watched wrestling on tv with the volume high up. I got used to it 'til I kinda memorized the names of the wrestlers and some of the moves. It became entertaining to me.
@Spawnface: Thanks for the other MHGirl. :)
I watch it but not for the guys. I watch it for the women.
And hot.
Um, what hot guys? And who the fuck actually watches wrestling?
I have more important shit to do with my time then to force myself to try liking something I'm not interested in. And no, a person sharing their ideals I meaningless if their ideals are trash to start with.
Am I expected to give a shit what those people think?
I just think it's fun to watch but I personally like watching the ladies and seeing what they are wearing and watching them kick ass.
I personally think there's going to be a revolution in wrestling that way. I don't think womens division was all that popular. Like, the only girls people had to connect with where heman China and the bimbos like, well you name em. I think the industry is making a great change towards appealing to a wider audience by having actual likable female wrestlers. The new female roster absolutely destroys the old one.
A. I would rather be waterboarded and then have maggots eat my corpse than watch wrestling
B. are guys like this what girls like now?
@xyzab123 no... just this type of man.
and i don't dislike them personally, they're just not my type
Lmfao water boarded 😂😂😂😂
@ChocolateCheesecake just saying lmao
Lmfao made me laugh😄
im much more into other types
To me, long hair, eyeliner, and black lipstick is sexy
Really? Chicks are weird lmao
damn you really hate wrestling lmfao xDDD
1. No 2. They aren’t even hot
Too old, sometimes just ugly, greased up, too much like a bodybuilder.
I don’t prefer bodybuilder type bodies. Too muscular for my taste andusually no chest hair
Muscular but not too muscular. A little bit to cuddle. And some chest hair and body hair
I think Jake gyllenhaal. Why?
Curious as to advance my own understanding. I think fictional characters or celebrities are much easier to convey attraction to. They aren't blank slates of pure physique. They embody and are associated to mythic characterization. Like, somehow people harley quin hot and too me the appearance alone would suggest otherwise.
Well if you look at him you will know what I mean
Oh, ya I get ya.. I looked at him. I'm not much of a movie goer though. So I don't know too much about him..
But what I may mean could be said like this, he looks like a douche to me. lol. No offense, even though his physical features don't seem inadequate or undesirable, it seems many people see without that kind of thing in mind.
Well you should watch his movies. And see his interviews. He’s not a douche that’s a pretty big leap haha
Maybe, I need to watch more movies. I'm getting quite dry in the movie culture. I'm still crawling out of the era where jim carrey, tim allen, george clooney and brad pitt were things we talked about. I don't really know any of the newer guys.
As for the douche comment, weeelll Im living in my own head at that point so what can I say? lol
Right haha
There are no hot guys haha
No, it’s just for entertainment!
Mostly I don't watch it at all.
No thanks lol
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