Street Fighter: What would Chun-Li and Cammy’s friends think of those two if either of them dated a handsome villain like Vega?

Vega works for Shadaloo under M. Bison and has been known to flirt with Chun-Li and Cammy even though Vega’s a villain and the other two fight for the heroes. Given that both ladies are cool with Ryu, Ken, Guile, E. Honda, Blanka, Zangief, Dhalsim, Fei Long, T. Hawk and Dee Jay, how would they react if they find Chun-Li and/or Cammy dating a flirtatious handsome villain like Vega?

Do you think the good guys would still respect Chun-Li and Cammy if they dated Vega, especially knowing that he’s a Shadaloo goon and they hook up with him anyway?
Street Fighter: What would Chun-Li and Cammy’s friends think of those two if either of them dated a handsome villain like Vega?
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