What's the craziest thing going on in your city right now?

It's the time of the year when colleges organize fests in my city. One of the government aided colleges is inviting one of the most famous singers - KK.
I honestly cannot describe the hype of KK performing in our city. Everyone is going crazy for passes. (I wanna attend it too. I've always wanted to see him perform live).

The only problem is that the college organizing the fest has hired a small auditorium, with about 2400 capacity. And there are roughly 800 colleges in my city πŸ˜‚, each with a capacity of 1000-5000 students. And everyone wants to see KK 🀣.

Another very famous singer will be performing live (his concert) - Mohit Chauhan, but the news of KK performing for a college is spreading faster than COVID did πŸ˜‚. It's overshadowing Mohit's fame.

The reason for such popularity is probably the generational gap. These singers won the hearts of every kid in the early 2000s. And now an everyone has the opportunity to see them perform live.
Whats the craziest thing going on in your city right now?
What's the craziest thing going on in your city right now?
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