Celebs are being called out for using their private planes for short flights (like 5 minutes), thoughts?


Aircrafts are one of (if not, THE) highest causes of cO2 emissions. People are calling out celebrities for taking their private jets on very short rides causing a lot of pollution.
Taylor Swift is the celeb that produces the most emissions with her private jet (though people argue that she rents out her jet to other people so not all of the flights are from her). Other celebs with high emissions include Drake, Kylie Jenner, Floyd Mayweather, and Jay Z.

“the report stated that planes affiliated with celebrities emitted an average of more than 3,376 metric tons of CO2 — roughly 480 times more than an average person’s annual emissions. “

personally, if I was rich enough to have a private jet, you bet your ass I’mma be taking that shit everywhere 💀 However these celebs are taking them to destinations that would take 30 minutes by car. That’s just unnecessary 🥴

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I agree with most of y’all that it’s not even the fact that they use private jets, But it’s just the hypocrisy for me.
These are the same celebs who preach about climate control and tell us to stop using plastic straws and stop using our air conditioners.
Climate change is caused by these rich people and corporations. The carbon footprint of the average person makes up a very small percent compared to them. A 10 minute flight produces more emission than what we produce in an entire YEAR.
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And some of y’all are saying that you don’t care about CO2 emissions at all but you really should. The damage that we have done to this earth is almost at the point where it’s completely irreversible. But corporations will not stop polluting because all they care about is money. They will continue to convince y’all that climate change isn’t real just so they don’t seem like bad people for destroying our planet.
Scientists say we have 8 years left to save the planet. That’s it. EIGHT years.
Celebs are being called out for using their private planes for short flights (like 5 minutes), thoughts?
29 Opinion