Have you ever watched a movie and be totally lost or confused about what was happening?


I felt I had to review this one. I belong to a movie group which watches films and then talks about them and I had already bough my ticket. So this one is the Halloween sequeI to Halloween that was made in 1978, called Halloween Ends.

I came in a bit late so I can't say much about the very beginning, but I came in at a scene which took place at a loud party. After this, you got figured out that Michael Myers is still alive, and has a friend (James J Courtney) who is just as nutty (well, maybe not as nutty) who visits Michael regularly in a hidden tunnel. He falls for Curtis's (Laurie) granddaughter and the two are gonna leave the neighborhood and drive out of town, but Jamie Lee won't stand for it because she knows James well. Michael Myers meanwhile, misbehaves once again--invading people's homes and butchering them. The scenes are so horrifically graphic, it would take someone with a strong stomach not to get sick. However, the scenes are also confusing and so is the story, because you are kept wondering why James goes to visit Michael without getting killed, what does Laurie's granddaughter see in him, and why people don't lock their doors. All this movie does after that party scene is make sure you get enough gore all set for Halloween. What was a good first movie back in the late 70's becomes a movie that is just too involved with making you jump, lots of gore, and not much story left. It's what happens after so many sequels--the story line just gets thinner and thinner. Simply put--don't waste your money. Thank goodness I was late!

Have you ever watched a movie and be totally lost or confused about what was happening?
6 Opinion