Which one should I get first?


If I can finish animating Episode 2 of Legacy Tease 2 next week which I probably should be able to, I am going to start making a (LEGO) transformer of vehicles from Jurassic World and Park. One is going to the jeeps from the first movie and the other one will be based on this Hot Wheel

Which one should I get first?

I actually have this one myself somewhere. Hopefully its still in our room. For this one, I Willa add Robert Muldoon’s rifle thing and for the Jeep I’ll give it John Hammond’s staff. Which one should I get the pieces for first? Also, which variant of the Jeep should I make?

Which one should I get first?
Which one should I get first?
1 y
I Willa make and get the Hot Wheel one first. What’s the name for that kind of vehicle?
Which one should I get first?
2 Opinion