How was your day... yesterday?

Mine was... damn. Decided not to 47 minutes to a mall to watch a movie, play a target shooting game where I can flaunt my ass out the window to the public and be that brazen bitch of the day and instead... stay near home and watch a movie. Watched the nun 2 and... eh, it was something, just like the last one. You got the bad nun, and the folks from the first dealing with the bad nun that actually was never defeated, just left for a while. Also slept 11 minutes in a massage chair because I got off work at 7 am... and didn't sleep as soon as I got off. Then came back home and slept at 8 Pm. Now awake at 9ish and feel like kicking someone in the face and running the neighborhood in my pajamas. :D

So how about you guys?

Fu*k yesterday, man. O mai gaaaawd.
Yesterday was definitely something, good day, I'd say.
What even happened yesterday...
Same shit, different day.
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How was your day... yesterday?
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