Please rank these 10 colors in order from which you’d want most to least, and why?

Please rank these 10 colors in order from which you’d want most to least, and why?

#1 Pink
has always been my top pick but I’d want to make it ANY WOUND, fatal or not.
#2 Yellow would come in handy as long as i can read other’s thoughts when I get ready. I don’t want the issue of not being able to turn the thoughts off.
#3 White because I absolutely hate that lack of understanding another language is part of why I’m afraid of animals and not comfortable traveling to non-English speaking countries
#4 Black but I wouldn’t to know my future. I’d go back to the past and adjust a few things. Not everything because I like what I’ve learned. But I’d like to remove some of the emotional trauma
#5 Green because I’d love to shift into a snow leopard, fox, and wolf.
#6 Orange because the Flash is one of my top 5 favorite male superheroes.
#7 Red because I got some shit to spy on.
#8 Grey so I don’t have to make a move to find the remote or go to the fridge 🤣#9 Blue just so I can save money on transportation
#10 Purple is the least important ability in my opinion because I mean what is the point? To give people a heart attack? To walk through walls?

Please rank these 10 colors in order from which you’d want most to least, and why?
21 Opinion