6 Terrible Reasons to Have Children


6 Terrible Reasons to Have Children

Yes these are all real reasons people choose to have children. The world is filled with idiots and they keep spawning children for these reasons. Smart people and people who are child-free by choice are quickly being outnumbered. A myTake about good reasons to have children will follow this.

Because you're lonely.

It's a sad truth that not every marriage is a match made in heaven. If you're not getting attention from your partner, bringing a baby into the picture will make things worse. It shouldn't take a midnight feeding when you'd rather be sleeping, for you to realize that having a baby when you're lonely is a terrible idea. You should be emotionally stable and mature when you have children. Plus you're giving the child a large emotional burden. The burden of supplying love is shifted to a small child. It's not the babies job to love the parent, it's the other way around. Now the child has to be an emotional first aid for the parent. If you feel lonely and think a baby will help, what you need is a therapist. This entire situation is a recipe for disaster.

Because your parents want grandkids. Or someone in your family wants a cousin, a niece, a nephew, a sibling, etc.

I sincerely hope your parents didn't have you for the single reason that you can spawn them grandchildren. The work to be a good parent is much more demanding than to be inspired by someone in your family wanting a cousin, or a niece, or a nephew, or grandchildren.

Because you love babies.

Babies don't stay babies forever. Babies turn into whiny children. Whiny children turn into the stereotypical moody teenagers. Moody teenagers turn into college students who suddenly realize they need their parents. People rarely adopt teenagers so unless you like teenagers, reconsider.

6 Terrible Reasons to Have Children

Because you want someone to love you.

This goes hand in hand with, "because you're lonely." But it need a further explanation of its own. Children are assholes. I've heard plenty of children tell their parents that they hate them over a stupid reason. It's especially terrible when that child doesn't realize the sacrifices their parents make for them. The parents who say that every moment of being a parent is magical, is a liar.

To fit in. Or because society expects you to.

I sincerely hope you have or had children because you want them and you decided that of your own accord, not because all your friends are knocked up and you feel left out or because society says so. Your life is completely unscripted. People say that in order to be happy you have to go to college, meet someone nice, get married, work a 9 to 5 job, get a house with a red door and white picket fence, and then have kids. (Yes people do believe this is the way people should live their lives. If people didn't believe that's the way to live your life, I wouldn't get the ridiculous comments from people who think every woman on the planet should have kids) That doesn't have to be your life. The only reason that should be your life is if you choose that life, not because society said so.

6 Terrible Reasons to Have Children

Give your life purpose.

I've heard plenty of parents say that they're so glad that they had children because now their life has meaning. While it's true that babies give your life a focus, it's still a terrible reason to have kids. You are the only one who decides that your life has meaning or not. This could easily become much worse when you realize your child isn't filling the hole in your soul that you want it to. This could turn into forcing your child into a box instead of letting them be themselves. A child's job isn't supposed to make your life look great or get you more likes on Instagram. Also, it's not just parents who have meaning in their lives. For example, there are doctors, nurses, scientists, teachers, college professors, CEOs, business professionals, and many other people who get focus and purpose from their careers.

6 Terrible Reasons to Have Children
42 Opinion