9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids


Here are reasons why you should have kids. Yeah, you'll probably find your own justifications for not having kids, but I'm still putting this out there to counter all the arguments for childlessness/child-free.

1. Babies are adorable!

Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

Babies are adorable! Everything about babies is just so cute! The way they smile, the way they laugh, the way the crawl. To see a tiny tot progress into a precocious preschooler must be the most significant milestone in your life.

2. Introduction of New Genes to your Family Tree!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

Biology is about sex. Biology is about reproduction. Biology is about genetics. The modern world is more connected than ever before. People migrate from country to country, continent to continent. This migration brings an influx of new genes to the gene pool of a population of people. Within time, the genes of the immigrant population may mingle with the genes of the dominant population, and you'll have new alleles (variants of genes) to work with.

3. Children are assets!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

While one reason not to have children is that children are considered a liability, one reason to have children is that children are considered an asset. By having children, you are investing your time, money, and energy. The fruit of your labor may be that your children become responsible, moral citizens that can contribute to make positive changes in the real world, as well as take care of you in your old age.

4. Tax Benefits!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

Children are usually considered dependents, because they are dependent on you to survive. This usually means you can include them while paying your taxes or filing for that tax return.

5. A Reason To Pay For Taxes To Improve School District!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

Public education is funded by taxpayers. If you are a single, childless person, then it is easy to feel that you do not have to support public education. What good will it be for you, if your hard-earned money is tossed into a void and you will get no returns? What good will it be for you, if your hard-earned money is going towards the education of young souls who may be your future competitors?

If you are a parent, then you probably want your children to receive the best possible education, which means paying your taxes and voting for/against proposals that affect public education. Your child is a constant reminder that you need to care about the education of the next generation.

6. A Reason To Get Involved With Your Children's Education!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

Parents who want to be pro-active in their children's school lives, whether it is preparing for a school dance or raising money for healthier lunches for smarter brains, can participate in PTO or PTA meetings. Educated parents may use whatever little free time they have to tutor their children and give them an upper hand in academic subjects, securing a similar socioeconomic status for the next generation.

7. Sex!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

All children are products of sexual reproduction. It is a process where anything can go wrong. Your immature germ cells can divide improperly, leading to more haploid cells in some than in others. A pregnant woman can be susceptible to a host of bacterial infections that can risk life-changing damage to her baby. Anything that goes wrong during the reproductive process can ultimately affect the health of the baby.

Although Geppetto (2000) has this big machine that can manufacture perfect children, the reality is that, as Geppetto finally learns, children are not made to be perfect, and that is perfectly okay. Perfection is unattainable. Children may be obese, disabled, mentally handicapped, rebellious, and disobedient. Whatever their condition is, they have to learn how to cope with the undesirable condition or reduce/eliminate bad traits to become mature adults. The ultimate goal is not perfection, but progress. As a child is a miniature image of an adult, that ultimate goal crosses over to adults as well.

8. Heirs!

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

People don't live forever. Sooner or later, people will die, and the property and other assets have to go somewhere. Why not to a biological child? A biological child is derived from the cells of his parents, so it's like the parents are experiencing immortality by procreating. A biological child inheriting your property, assets, looks, personality, and other stuff is like a miniature version of you.

9. Promotion of Marriage, Family Life, and Peace!
9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids

If you want to have a baby some time in your life, then you probably want to provide the best possible environment for your child. You probably want to select someone you want to live with for the rest of your life, even though this can be difficult to do because the abusive ones and non-abusive ones can be indistinguishable at first sight!

If you want to go the traditional route and arrange a marriage for your children with a neighbor of equal status, then the marriage may be a way to promote peaceful union between the families instead of bloodshed and conquest. However, this reason for marriage is mainly used by political, upper-class families, not your Average Joe.

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Kids
70 Opinion