What is your Legacy?

What is your Legacy?

I have been thinking over some major questions in life here lately, and one I arrived at was the question of legacy. What will I leave behind after I die to prove that I was not only here, but that I made an impact on the world. This impact for most of us in minimal at best. We spend our time in front of a T.V. and slowly, minute by minute, let our life slip away until there is nothing left but the bones of a person and the unfinished and unrealized ideas that could have been.

If life is worth living then it is certainly worth recording, and until recently I didn't realize how important this really was. For the days that you may need to see just how far you have come, or to be able to show more depth to yourself to a spouse or girlfriend and not just be another mindless douche in a bar. Aside from your very bloodline which I will touch on shortly, this is one of the few things that has been shown to last through time and impact people as to what and who you really were.

The children that we have are the single most important thing that we can do to not fade into nothingness without the ideals, and principles and knowledge being passed onto another who with this can evolve, and add their own to the soup. We all come from a long line of warriors, and farmers, and people who sacrificed and struggled so that their name, their blood would survive, and we have devalued that struggle by going out to the bars, and clubs on the weekends, and deciding that we like our life the way it is.

I thought for the longest time that children were an annoyance. I thought that writing down what I thought and felt was such an inconvenience and wasted so many possibly life altering ideas that I could have looked back on. I only now realize upon further reflection that children are one of the ways to ensure that the ideals, and values and knowledge that you have spent a lifetime acquiring are passed on in a way that reflects who you are, and how you want to be remembered.

I thought that simple things like taking pictures were pointless as I was there experiencing the event first hand so really, how much good does a picture do. These pictures are the proof that there is a face to the stories about grandpa, and that you may be old and sick dying in a bed in a hospital but you can be at peace in a way that you may not otherwise. The world, a person, maybe even thousands are profoundly effected by the fact that you lived, you loved and you recorded your thoughts the best you knew how.

I don't really care if anyone reads this, it's more for myself, and to have the ability to think my way out of thinking too much lol.

What is your Legacy?
2 Opinion