The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents

The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents

Right after college, I temporarily moved back home for a while, and it was hard on me, because I had dreams of graduating and immediately starting my adult life in full, but instead found myself back home and feeling like the same old kid I was before I started college. I was thankfully only there for a little while before finally striking out on my own, but there are a lot of people these days that have similar stories of needing to move back home until they sort things out, and if that is going to be you or is currently you, there are some realities you need to learn to contend with sooner, rather than later.

1. Be Grateful

Some people living at home are far from grateful. They view the very people continuing to support them like their enemies. You do realize you are living there for free (or at a reduced cost) and that the alternative is you could be living on the streets or having to bum from couch to couch, right? Don't just say thank you to your parents once and that's it. Make an effort to continually give them the respect they deserve, and don't take advantage of their kindness.

2. Make the Effort

A lot of the fighting between adult children and their parents having to take them in, is usually caused by the parents feeling as though that adult child is not making enough of an effort either around the house and/or to improve their situation and move out. Get a job if you don't have one already. Mow the lawn. Cook dinner. Do the shopping. Do your own laundry. Come up with a plan that you make your parents aware of, of how you're going to try to get out of there.

The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents

3. Their house, their rules

This one is huge. If you want to do whatever you want to do...simple, move out. Can't do that right now, then yeah, it is their house, their rules. It doesn't matter if you're 19 or 25 or 30, and especially if you aren't paying any type of rent. If they don't want your friends over after a certain hour, or they put a curfew on you, or tell you, you can't drink in the home...if you want to continue living there, then follow them or guess what, they don't have to allow you to stay there. You do not have the upper hand here, because you are an adult, and if you want to be one, then the reality is, you've got to move out eventually and then you can demand things and make your own rules in your own house.

4. Don't burn your bridges

You may finally get your bearings and move out of your parents house, but don't turn around and burn the bridge down by telling them how awful they are, or how awful it was to live under their roof for a time. This may have been true for you, you may have hated every minute, but go back to number 1...if not for their generosity, you'd have been out on the streets. The last thing you want to do is cut ties with the few people on earth that had your back in your time of need.

The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents

5. If you want to be treated like and adult, act like one

If you find yourself reverting to tantrums when you don't get your way, or screaming matches with your parents when you're in a mood, don't expect them to treat you like and adult. Learn to handle your issues in an adult way. If you have a problem, find solutions that work, that don't end in you crying pathetically or having a tantrum.

6. Learn to cope

It's not easy living at home. And you will get frustrated and angry at yourself or your situation from time to time and just want to scream. It's understandable, however, you need to come up with ways to cope that aren't you taking that out on your parents all the time, or frankly, yourself, all the time. Exercise, talk to friends, take a walk, take a vacation, see a counselor, journal, spend the night at a friends from time to time. We all get knocked down in life, but it's what you do with that that determines a lot about who you are and where you're going in life.

7. Get Help

For a lot of people, moving back home involves you not being able to manage your money well. If you've gone into debt, or don't have a savings account, see a financial advisor, or ask your parents for help with managing your money. THIS WILL NOT GET BETTER by ignoring your financial situation. You can accrue more debt if you ignore it, and not having a savings account for emergencies only, will practically ensure that if anything goes wrong in your life, you will probably be right back at your parents if you're lucky they still open the door.

The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents

The Reality of Living At Home With Your Parents
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