Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

1. Men don't cry

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

This saying is open to interpretation.

Our interpretation was that men don't make excuses, display no -ve emotion whatever be the situation.

2. Time waits no one⏳

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

"Do tomorrow's work today!

And do today's work right now!"

3. Value Money 💰

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

4. Be open to criticism

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

5. Be considerate

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

6. Avoid Bitches

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

7. Be a better parent than your parent

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay

Life lessons that my father taught me. #Father'sDay
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