Mean Mothers... What to do About Them?

Mean Mothers...What to do about them?

Motherhood has a certain image in American media. We picture mothers to be selfless, kind, thoughtful women that cater to their children hand and foot. Mothers are the people we think of when we are sick or hurt, when we want love we look to them.

But everyone doesn’t have that experience.

It’s difficult to criticize or even explain a childhood with a bad or “Mean Mother” because who will believe you? Mothers are expected to be natural nurturers. The thought of a cruel or abusive mother makes us uncomfortable.

Who do you tell? Who can you talk to? Who will BELIEVE your mother was evil or unkind?

I would.

My story

My so called Mean Mother wasn’t as bad as others. Did she hit me? Only if it was a spanking. Did she emotionally abuse me? Not necessarily. So what was the problem?

Bridgett (my mother) wasn’t emotionally available. She was a victim of emotional abuse and manipulation for many years by my father. And I think, to cope, she would let out her anger on the kids.

I have 2 younger brothers and all of us agree our mother is truly off her rockers. She is loud, cruel, and has serious anger problems. Her anger is explosive and unceasing. One wrong move (honestly you could breathe wrong) and she will yell and yell and yell. It’s almost like bullying - you can’t run away, you can’t fight back, all you can do is wait until the onslaught of hurtful words is over.

It happens everyday. And she can be set off by the slightest thing, it doesn’t have to be serious. I’ve spent so much time trying to avoid making her angry (and unintentionally doing so) that leaving for college was a breath of fresh air.

The rampages she would go on aren’t the full picture either. She’s also incredibly unresponsive. I can talk to her and she will barely acknowledge my existence. Any time I try to connect, she rebuffs my attempts. She deliberately ignores me and continues whatever task she was doing. It’s intentional and hurtful.

Its its been years of her ignoring me. Years of her invalidating my feelings. So much so that I have emotional problems as an adult. At times, my anger goes to far and I verbally lash out at others. Just like her. At times I’m hyper critical, cruel and mean, just like her.

I don’t want to be like her. I want to be loving and kind. I want to be thoughtful and considerate of others. I want to be emotionally available to my kids. I don’t want them to fear me like my brothers fear her.

Does anyone else have a Mean Mother? Or maybe an abusive one? My mother went through her own abuse and to a degree, became almost emotionally abusive. But some people have it much worse.

We need to break the cycle of abusive mothers. And we need to make it okay to talk about mothers who treat us horribly.

Mean Mothers... What to do About Them?
Post Opinion