10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

BeeNee a
10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

Everyone is always so busy that a lot of people tend to only see family a couple times a year in earnest for big events which is especially true if you live all around the country or even the world. But you've got to hammer it in your head that time is precious and you never know what could happen tomorrow, so it is more than important for you to make time for those you consider to be the most valuable people in your life.

1. Write a Letter

I mean, seriously, pull out pen and paper and write a letter or letters to your family members and either just give them an update on your life and what's happening with you or your kids if you have them, or just write letters to say thank-you for something they've done recently or just for being great siblings or parents. We've gotten away from this practice of letter writing as a society, so someone receiving something in the mail will be a welcome surprise as will your words to them.

2. Make time

Cancel your day on the couch and make an appointment to hang out with your siblings or your cousins or your niece for the day. When all is said and done in life, it isn't the material things family remembers about you, it's the time spent together. Don't just limit this to holidays or events, make it a priority as much as you can.

10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

3. Have a family dinner...for no reason

You don't need a Superbowl, or an Easter Celebration to invite family over. Just have dinner. Order in if you can't cook and just treat them to some eats.

4. Help without being asked to

If you see the latch on your sisters window is broken, or their tire is a little low, or there are dishes in the sink, or they have some over due library books, help them without being asked to do so or at all. Not everything has to be some grand gesture. Sometimes it's the little things that go a long way.

10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

5. Surprise them at the airport

If you are ever tasked with picking a relative up at the airport, try turning it into a grand affair. Invite other family members and friends, make welcome home signs, have balloons and flowers ready, and just make their arrival something to remember.

6. Make amends

It may have been 10 years ago that you lied about breaking your mom's favorite lamp, but send her a new one in the mail with a letter of apology. If you do have bigger issues with family or a fight that's gone on two long between you and your relatives, try your best to fix it now before you no longer have the opportunity to.

10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

7. Call every once in a while

Make it your business to actually talk to your family via phone or Face Time rather then just text or email. Let them see your face and really know how you're doing. This is doubly true for your parents who no matter how old you get, still want to hear your voice.

8. Plan a family vacation

It doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive, but just plan a small road trip to the next town over or if you have the means, somewhere you can only get to by plane or boat. These trips are where your best stories in life and memories will come from.

10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love

9. Scrapbook/Journal/Write a Book

This can be either extremely personal for one family member or about your entire relationship with your whole family, but put together your best memories complete with pictures, scraps from important events in your lives, and write about it so that anyone reading or looking at the book can easily get a sense of your family and the fun, or even sad things that happened to you along your journey together.

10. Remember to say, "I love you"

Whether it's your own family or your extended, say I love you, and mean it, and show affection via hugs or a special family handshake that you teach everyone. This is incredibly important. These words are often the one thing those who have lost family members wish they would have said more or to them. You have that opportunity now, so use it as often as you can.

10 Ways to Show Your Family Some Love
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