What I Wish I Would Have Known About Emotional Abuse

What I wish I would have known about emotional abuse

Dear past me,
I know it's been a while, but it's because I've been trying to grow and get better. And, I know things are hard for you right now.. no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to make mom happy.

I know mom says some really hurtful things to you sometimes, and you feel like you deserve it. And, I know you get angry and frustrated with yourself a lot. I know you feel like you're worthless, you tell yourself that all the time. But, I promise you are not worthless.

Don't forget that you can always ask for help, even if it's just somebody to talk to.

You've been told that you should believe and listen to everything that your parents say, but nobody is perfect. Sometimes they make mistakes, and sometimes they hurt themselves and hurt you because they're trying to love you, but don't know how.

I want you to know that I still love mom. And, I've come to terms with the fact that she may never understand the kind of pain she's made me feel. And, I wish mom would realize that she deserves to love herself too. But, there's little I can do.

I'm not as close with mom anymore, but that's okay. Because some relationships work better at a distance, even if you're born into it.

And, it's going to be hard, but it will get better, I promise, because in the end all you need to do is love yourself. And be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to grow.

I want you to know that I love you, and you should love you too. I know you're gonna do great.

What I Wish I Would Have Known About Emotional Abuse
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