Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Fake Friends Will ...........

1) Disrespect Your Boundaries

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Boundaries are healthy and a necessity for every relationship.A friend who'll test or cross your boundaries lets you know exactly where their respect for YOU ends.You can't force people to respect your boundaries.So if they won't ,you need to decide whether to accept their behavior, or end the friendship

Boundaries need to be communicated first verbally, and then with actions

2) Gossip About You To Other People

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Fake friends will speak ill of you to other people.They'll share your personal information and confidences .True friends will never speak poorly of you, or gossip and spread rumors/lies about you to others. Only fake friends talk bullshit about you behind your back.A true friendship is always grounded in trust and loyalty.

Fake friends will believe the rumors and gossip about you,but real friends know better,and stand up for you

3) Abandon You If They Find Someone More Interesting

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Fake friends will disappear as soon as they find someone more interesting to chat ,or hang around with .True friends don't use your company , and then ditch you as soon as someone/something better or more interesting comes along

Some friends talk to you in their free time,and some free their time to talk to you.Learn the difference

4) Stop Talking To You If There's Differences Of Opinion

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Everyone has differences of opinion which can lead to disagreements or even arguments .But fake friends will fall out with you , give you the silent treatment if you both disagree on something, or if they don't get their own way.A true friend will rise above any differences of opinion ,and respect your opinions, even if they don't share them.True friends don't take offence when you say "NO" to them

Fake friends will ignore you, until they need you

5) Never Give And Take

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

True friends will give and take. They invest equal time into maintaining the friendship,and they make an equal effort to connect.A true friendship is never one-sided ,but fake friends always want something from you ,but never give in return.They don't stick around when you have nothing left except for yourself.

Friendships are about equal parts give and take.One person can't always give while the other one takes .

6) Put You Down

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Fake friends will constantly put you down by making fun of your goals, choices and decisions , and they'll mask their insults as compliments. They do this to lower your self-esteem and confidence. Real friends are supportive and always encourage you.They never belittle you ,or put you down for your opinions and beliefs.

Friends are like elevators,they can either take you up or bring you down. Choose wisely

7) See Your Problems As A Bother To Them

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Fake friends will dismiss your problems,and make you feel as though you're a burden to them.True friends will never make you feel as though you or your problems are a nuisance or burden to them.

Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.It's about who walked into your life and said- "i'm here for you "-and proved it.

8.) Turn Their Back On You When You Need Them

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

Whenever you need support or a shoulder to cry on, fake friends are never around for you.A true friend doesn't disappear when things get tough.They are with you in good and bad times.It's during your struggles, and hardest times in your life that you get to see the true strength and loyalty of a friends love & friendship

Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo,but you want a friend who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down

9) Don't Accept You For Who You Are

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend

We all have our little quirks and flaws ,but a true friend will love and accept you for all that you are,despite your flaws and "baggage". If a friend requires you to be anything other than yourself in exchange for a friendship, then they don't accept you for who you are deep down. And they aren't a true friend at all.

A friend is one that knows you as you are,understands where you have been, accepts what you have become,and still allows you to grow

Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend
Frenemy: How To Detect A Fake Friend
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