Parenting Done Right!


The problem with raising children nowadays is a major one and I feel should be addressed (for free, for the sake of humanity). Children nowadays are without a shadow of a doubt very much smarter than the children in the older times, with regards to technology. That is they know how to operate a cell phone or an Ipad. But the problem with that is, that children are becoming weaker, physically and mentally in the long run. What I mean by this is that the children of older days, used to carry out tasks which the modern day man cannot even imagine to do, for example, hunting or combating.

A scene from the movie 300
A scene from the movie 300

They used to take part in physical activities since a young age, since we all know that a healthy body give a healthy mind. They would indulge in physical activities that would keep their bodies at their peak physical conditions even from the start,

They would practice games such as (Ancient Greece)
1. Wrestling
2. Archery
3. Boxing
4. Chariot Racing
5. Marbles

Horse Riding
Horse Riding

They would practice games such as (India)
1. Polo
2. Kho kho
3. Kabudo
4. Archery
5. Kusti
6. Kalaripayattu

Children practicing Kalaripayattu
Children practicing Kalaripayattu

5. Kurash
4. Horse-riding
3. Volley Ball
2. Kushti (Wrestling)
1. Football
They would practice games such as (Iran)


They would practice games such as (Africa)
1. Senegalese Wrestling
2. Donkey Racing
3. Dambe Boxing
4. Nguni Stick Fighting
5. Ta kurt om el mahag

Dambe Warrior
Dambe Warrior

Even though we take these activities to be sports in our age, they used to be a part of a child's grooming process.

Children practicing Kushti in India
Children practicing Kushti in India

Such activities not only would strengthen a child's bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles but they would also strengthen their will power, their drive to go out and do stuff.

The modern child not only is weak in his/her mind and body but also in his/her spirit.

The Modern Day child
The Modern Day child

The modern child is so absorbed in so called technology that he/she has become weaker due to not engaging in activities. A child is addicted to his/her ipad or cellphone by the time they hit the age of seven. What times are we living in. The main culprit in all this are our parents. They lack the necessary wisdom required in raising a child who is bulletproof in his mind and body. We seldom give attention to the child once they hit seven. Why do i keep repeating that age? (I'll get to it in a moment). We just buy them useless gadgets just to keep them busy with and to (in a way) get rid of them and get on with our lives (because our lives are more important). Our children are our assets. If we don't invest PROPERLY in them now, they are going to ruin the generations to come.

THE TAKE AWAY: The teachings of Ali ibn Abi Talib with regards to child raising.

1. A child when they are born is to be treated as a king/master up until the age of 7:
By this, what he means is that, when a child comes to this world, they are to be given a free hand. Let them bloom and blossom since the brain is starting to get used to the new environment. They are to learn how to survive after coming out of their mother's wombs. They need to learn and enjoy themselves and do whatever they want to since the brain is still pure and very observant and able to pick things fast.
2. Once he hits 7 he/she has to be thoroughly watched out for, for the next 7 years:
When he/she reaches 7, he/she is to be disciplined and with a wakeful eye observed by the parent/s in order to protect them from being harmed physically but more importantly mentally. Since the scars that mark the brain during this age are seldom forgotten (I was exposed to porn first at the age of 8 then at the age of 10 and still can't figure out a way to get over the addiction). So parents are to remain vigilant and mindful of their child for the next 7 years.
3. After 14 the offspring is to be treated like an adult up until he (actually becomes one) reaches 21:
Once the child hits puberty, the father is to become a friend to the boy and the mother to the girl. They are to become so close to their son/daughter that the child has no problem talking about anything to the parent. The distance is to be narrowed. Since that is the age when a human being is to get out into the world. Since the child isn't much familiar with the ways of the outside world. The father or the mother on the other hand knows a lot when compared to the child. So its vital to study about life from one's own parents. Moreover. the parent is to give but also ask his offspring for advice. Since, this allows the child to develop self esteem and confidence. Moreover, it gives rise to leadership and alpha male qualities in the offspring.
The world is a strange place, we all need not only to survive in this place but also to conquer and rule over it. But how can we conquer others if we cannot conquer our own selves and how can we conquer our own selves if our foundations are shaky.

Parenting Done Right!
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