Single Mothers Need To Be Put In Check When Raising Their Son(s)

Mother, angered, verbally blows up at her Son who is obviously in distress.
Mother, angered, verbally blows up at her Son who is obviously in distress.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of great single parents out there. They somehow make it work, but the same can't be said for every single parent. Especially in the case of #singlemothers raising their son(s). The challenge is already greater due to the opposition of gender, along with their assigned roles: a woman given the job of raising a boy to become a man, and a boy needing to be raised to become a man. There's a lot of downfalls along the parenting and child development process that is solely created by the mother themselves. The way women operate emotionally, the emotional abuse women put onto young men, along with women expressing ideas of #toxicmasculinity due to biased double standards favoring them, are reasons why single mothers need to be put in check when raising their son(s). If you don't believe me, explain how years of emotional and physcial abuse from my own mother has resulted in me being diagnosed with depression and anxiety? If you can't find a way to justify that in favor of the single mother in this scenario, then this following myTake will explain why they shouldn't be justified at all.

Emotional Operation

The core different between men and women: men operate logically, women operate emotionally. Emotions does not equal to the truth, along with what circumstances are right or wrong. This is why women oftentimes get involved in petty drama, constantly make the wrong decisions, and are incapable of controlling their emotions. What makes it worse, society encourages this behavior in women. Women are encouraged to continue this way of thinking because, in the words of toxic feminist: "Women's emotions need to be sought after without judgement from others." When that same mindset is applied into a woman raising a daughter, the odds are even since both the mother and daughter share the same operation. As for a son being involved, the results are messy. I remember being the biggest crybaby and mama's boy out of all my male peers during my early years of school, all thanks to the sole influence of my mother's emotional state. Many times has my life been taken in different directions, most contradicting others, while done with little thinking involved, because of my mother's control over my life. How a woman operates and how it carries over to them being single mothers will only make their son's life confusing, hard to keep up, and the direction of steering them to become men is made even harder.


Women believe only men are capable of abuse because men are dominant in strength. That means nothing, especially when a child is involved. A child, having no developed strength in order to fight back against adults twice, even triple their size will be physically dominated over no matter what amount of strength the adult possesses. Except, in the case of a single parent, there's no one to help the child. I've already established that women make poor choices because of their emotions. So, when a mother feels the need to teach their children through corporal punishment, the reasoning for each instance is never made clear nor logically. At times, it's not even the boy's fault, but rather the mother needing an emotional punching bag they can easily excuse as "toughening up a boy." Especially when their sons grow into their pre-teens, single mothers will feel the burden to teach them to become men. And, with their lack of knowledge as to what makes up a man, they make the poor choice in believing physical punishments will shape the core of a man. This can't be farther from the truth. In fact, a boy will only suffer because of the unclear instances as to why they're beaten by their mothers. Outside of the little justice done to boys, the mother will not even logically explain to the child why they did what they did. Nor, will the child even get an apology despite how sever the bruises may be. It's because women by nature are proven to constantly lie not only to others but to themselves. With that being said, and along with many cases even outside of abuse, a woman is least likely to apologize and admit to their wrongdoings. Women will always play the victim card in order to find security as a victim. As the boy grows up into his teenage years and exhibits strength greater than their mothers, that gives single mothers a greater chance of playing the victim card by threatening to call the police of physically assault done to THEM. Women have been proven to lie anyway they can to even manipulate the law into giving them a victims' safe space. If my own mother could constantly get away with beating me over the head with metal objects and punch me enough so to make me bleed and give me fractures, if I could hear my next-door neighbor, a single mother, verbally and physically assault her boys, their bodies being pushed and shoved against my wall as I type this sentence, then it's clear that women are capable of abuse. Not just physically, but also emotionally. The older the boy gets, physical punishments become tiring. So, the mother replaces that with emotional abuse. It's a type of abuse that women are mostly guilty of performing due to their emotional operation, but it's also a type of abuse that's never mainstream enough to become well known as physical abuse, and it's also a type of abuse that will emotionally and mentally damage a child more so than physical abuse. The path towards becoming a man is even harder when emotional and mental damage is at play. And, as you already know from the beginning paragraph, being diagnosed with depression in my young adult years will not help one bit.

Toxic Masculinity

Most women believe a man can only be considered a man if they show little to no emotion. Single mothers who believe in this statement and try to enact that towards their sons will only further the emotional damage already done to them. It's scientifically proven that men experience the same amount of emotions as a woman. So, picturing the emotional damage of boys and young men from single mother households is more clearer than ever. To the victims in these scenarios, showing emotion is taught to show childishness and immaturity. Showing emotion also means an invitation for even more corporal punishment and abuse. My mom has done so every time she believed I even made a quiver when I was younger. That was permission enough for her to slap me across the face, her finger catching over my eye as she does so. Vision temporarily damaged in one eye as she continues punching me in the face. My nose permanently becoming crooked and one nostril clocked up and she beats me over the head with a 15 pound weight. Her excuse being to "beat the bitch out of me." It goes to show, being a daughter in the midst of her emotional state would be easier to live by life. But as for sons of all ages under a single mother household, that means more physical and emotional scars to carry over into your adulthood.

To wrap this up, single mothers need to be put in check before it's too late. Absent fathers need to play their part in taking security over their young boys and leading them to the right path in becoming men. Family, friends, teachers, and neighbors need to pay careful attention to single mothers and make sure they're doing right by their sons. You don't want the next generation of single mothered men to come out like me, someone with too many physical scars to count, someone whose emotions has been literally beaten out of him through fearful tactics that I might as well be considered a sociopath for how little I express emotion, and someone recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety that continues to carry a passive suicidal mindset everyday.

Single Mothers Need To Be Put In Check When Raising Their Son(s)
13 Opinion