If anyones struggling right now, please read this. I’ve made a pretty cool realisation.

If anyones struggling right now, please read this. I’ve made a pretty cool realisation.

P.S here’s my dog because I need to add a photo to post it and I’m not putting bubba on the internet with strangers, and I’m too lazy to google a suitable photo

A couple of hours ago, my niece was born. Both my sister and niece are happy and healthy. And there’s a very happy dad too.

We all love her so much already. We loved her from the day we found out. My sister and brother in law gave me a card congratulating me on being an auntie, and I jumped up squealing and shouting, jumping around like a loony. Both my sisters and I cried.

I haven’t met her yet, but I’ve seen a thousand photos, videos and we’ve face timed twice. My niece is the most beautiful thing and I love her so much already. I’m so proud of my sister.

My niece is bringing so much love and joy into this family. And it has me thinking.

We were all babies once, we were all inside our mothers womb. We made aunties, grandparents, cousins, uncles and siblings. I know my sisters would have been so excited for my brother and I to come along.

People had the same happy conversations about me that we have about my niece (and my other niece on the way). I brought that joy and love into my family. I made two big sisters and a mother of 3. I added to my family.

We choose not to speak to both my sides of my family (but a fair few we are still close with) for person reasons. But I still know that I gave them joy too. They spoke about me while I was in my mums tummy, they got phone calls to know I was about to be born, they were excited to see me and hold me. I made people as happy as I am now. We don’t speak to my family but the love still remains and goes both ways.

People have loved you from the moment you were born. People have loved you from the moment they knew you were conceived. People have loved you like I know I already love my niece, with everything. She’s the most precious, sweetest thing and I feel so much love for her. Our family feels so much love for her. She has such proud, loving and exhausted parents.

So if you’re struggling, people honestly do feel this way about you. I can promise you with my whole heart that your family loves you, no matter if you’re close or if you have no contact even. Cause I know I will always love my niece as much as I do.

This probably sounds really silly - but I genuinely love her with my whole heart already and I can’t wait to meet her tomorrow. I’ll probably cry haha

And there’s another little girl 3 weeks way!!

If anyones struggling right now, please read this. I’ve made a pretty cool realisation.
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