Social Skills for roommates to ensure everyone contributes to the emotional labor


Assuming everything else is going well with your roommates, such as everyone taking turns cleaning and taking out the trash, here is a starting list on how to ensure that everyone chips in to the emotional labor. Feel free to add more items to the list in the comments:

  • Whoever is the person that walks into a common area when someone is already there is the one that says hello first.
  • If you can't think of a conversation starter, do not enter a common area when you know someone is already there, unless you have to (i.e, to put something in the fridge, turn the stove off, go to the bathroom).
  • Keep track of who started the conversation last time you ran into each other. If it was you who had started it, then hopefully they realize it's their turn. If they don't realize this, start the conversation the next 3 times you run into each other. After that, you don't owe them anything, and hopefully they will eventually feel guilty and shyly ask how you've been doing (but I wouldn't count on you being that lucky).
  • Possible conversation starters include:
  • - Hey! How are you? I haven't seen you in a week. What's new since then?
  • Oh Hi! I could smell your really good stir-fry all the way from my room earlier today, and you motivated me to cook the same thing for dinner!
  • Have you been adjusting well to the new town/city?
  • How's work going?
Social Skills for roommates to ensure everyone contributes to the emotional labor
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