Dislike of children is reasonable

Dislike of children is reasonable

Controversial opinion, or not?
A disclaimer: Children have equal moral worth to adults, I wish children nothing but love, respect, and it is never ever justified to harm a child. Just in case you think I am suggesting that disliking children equals to wishing them ill or justifying bad treatment. It does not.

Six months ago, I got into a relationship with a wonderful, loving woman I adore. She is a single mother to a daughter, 7 years old. This has opened my eyes to how it is to live with a child. Put forthrightly, I think it's 90% unpleasant, annoying and sometimes horrible.

Her daughter, like most children, is very loud, selfish, ungrateful, dramatic, attention seeking, messy, destructive and manipulative. Children aren't rational. They don't know what is truly in their interest. The aren't emotionally mature, and don't understand bounderies, fairness, respect for others or self-control. Neither are they mentally developed, so to talk to them is often frustrating. A child, objectively, is a person who is emotionally immature, mentally undeveloped and irresponsible. Obviously we can't expect children to just be fully developed at birth, in these aspects. But it means that when you are living with a child, you are living with another person who is extremely demanding, disrespectful and immature, and that is extremely draining.

Me and my girlfriend had two weeks this summer when her daughter was with her dad across the country. Me and my girlfriend had the time of our life. We spoke like adults, we were able to be ourselves, we had peace, were intimate, took trips and were wonderful with each other. Everything me and my girlfriend shares between us thrives when we can simply be our adult selves together, in peace.

Her daughter fills every single moment of her waking time with sound. Every. There is not a minute without pointless sound. Repetative stomping, weird squicky voices, hitting a pencil in the floor – you name it. She, like most kids, has an insatiable desire to entertain herself and attract attention from adults. After my girlfriend is done with her 6-7 hours of work, and comes home to make a healthy, tasty dinner for her and her daughter, the chances are high her daughter will throw and ungrateful crying fit because it isn't exactly the food she prefers. When she is asked to clean her mess after eating, she throws a crying fit over that. When any of her dumb, irrational preferances aren't met, there is a crying fit. I hate it. I woke up to one this morning..

I love her daughter, but I don't like that she is a child. I dislike children. I always have done, even when I was one myself. I wish her nothing but the best. I hope she thrives, feels supported and loved, and I hope she grows up to he a healthy adult. But that doesn't mean I desire to be around kids.

Generally, I think it is reasonable to desire respecful, calm, mutually supportive relationships. I have goals and passions in my life. I want to surround myself with people who allow and support my in pursuit of those. I want to have quiet and peace when I get home from work. I don't want to be manipulated into fulfilling peoples unhealthy whims. I like to be an adult, who can speak about meaningful, intimate matters with those closest to me. I want to watch good movies, go on dates, have hobbies and my being and life respected by others.

What I wrote above, is incompatible with living with kids. And that is just tragic. It breaks my heart to see what my girlfriend has lost to being a parent. All her passions, her capacity to be a resource to the world, her dreams of becoming something great, her health, her vitality. It has all taken a back seat to being a parent. I wish I could see my girfriend thrive for who she is, like she does every night after her daughter goes to bed. I wish she got to live in a house that was quiet, clean and cosy for her. I wish she had the energy to dance, laugh and explore the world with me. I wish her day wasn't filled with crying fits, shouting, resistance. I don't think it is inherently good to have children. Only if the parents are absolutely dedicated to give themselves up, and feel enormous purpose in raising another unneccecary point of need in this world.

I, for one, don't desire to do that. I want to give myself to those already in need, in whos aid I can have my autonomy, my bounderies respected, have a quiet room, be myself. And I can't see how that is unreasonable, rather, it seems rational, responsible and more compassionate.

Dislike of children is reasonable
Post Opinion