Why I Should Never Have Listened To Crazy People Or My Parents About Being Rebellious


Why I Should Never Have Listened To Crazy People Or My Parents About Being Rebellious
My parents relationship and my feelings about it fit this article to a T: I Wish My Parents Had Gotten Divorced

And yet...I'm glad that I lived with my family, because they taught me something very useful about dealing with people: When you're dealing with manipulative people, you can't be totally honest or open with them...especially when they're hypocrites!

My older brother with his insane, (yet non-hypocritical and semi-honest) self taught me how to deal with our parents and other people, in a roundabout way.

What do I mean?

My brother has rebelled from our mother and father his ENTIRE life. He's always broken things (dozens of things/machines around our house) and has been insulting our parents daily and nonstop forever. I don't agree with his behavior, but I honestly see his perspective now.

I realize now that my older brother had the right attitude all along, and so now I feel like an idiot.

However, to make it clear: As far as I know (and since I'm his younger sibling I'm 99% sure) my brother has no interest in drugs or drinking. Like me, he's actually really against drugs (we've had family members in the hospital who suffered from side effects from medications, and we've known people who's personalities changed when they drank/did drugs although thankfully they never lived with us!), so he's never tried them...He's not THAT insane, in other words.

So what am I talking about?

Well, it dawned on me one day: If our parents are so willing to act like toddlers then why should I treat them like they're adults when they won't do the same for me?! The consequences of not understanding that about people, could probably easily explain 90% of the posts asking for help on this website.

Why didn't I realize this before?

Because, EVERY adult I've ever spoken with in my life has always said that teens are terrible and being rebellious is bad...and with how my borother acted, of course our parents totally agreed (despite acting like toddlers on a daily basis themselves).

Once again, I have to mention this to avoid the comments: I'm not planning on or have any desire to go drinking or do drugs. I'm not looking to go fucking a lot of guys. I understand that boys my age mainly want to hookup and nothing else. I've spent weeks, and even up to months now researching everything about finances and various things that I need to know before I move out.

So by rebelling I mean...?

Well, the fact of the matter is that the adults in my life have always told me to be nice and tolerate or igonre mean people. Which is a huge problem, because they NEVER mentioned how manipulative people might take advantage of me.

On top of that, adults who said those things would trashtalk teens and assume that they don't understand anything because of how young they are (so, the 30+ year old family members that I have who can't even pay bills on their own, or have a calm and mature conversation with anyone are mature then?).

Trying to force someone to be naive doesn't protect them from anything, and it can very easily make them targets for other people. I will never understand or forget that the adults in my life were so dishonest with me. They were older and KNEW how people could act, and never mentioned anything or warned me. I don't know why they didn't but...That's such a dangerous thing to do to someone.

So I actually feel fairly blessed that I lived with my family before having to deal with other adults face to face. I'm not insulting my parents or acting like how my brother does, I'm just stealing his idea; that you have to deal with people how they NEED to be dealt with, not always

"Treat people like how you want to be treated". Oh Please!

Why I Should Never Have Listened To Crazy People Or My Parents About Being Rebellious
6 Opinion