GAGers! How often to you have baby fever?

I only had it when I was younger a couple of times and even then I didn't want children so it was just weird to me lol The last time I had it was when my niece was born, lasted about a day and haven't had it for at least 7+ years now. After my niece and nephew were born and as much as i've been involved in their lives and I know how much effort children are, i'm even more dead set on not having them ever now lol
I never get "baby fever." I have no desire to have a baby at this point in my life. I can't say how I'll feel 5 years from now though, I'm sure I will want kids in the future. However, I'm still in college and working on my career so, my main focus and priorities right now are on other things.
What a question to ask someone who is desperately TTC.
Trying To Conceive.
oh man i hope you will soon be able to conceive
Thank you so much for your lovely kind wishes.
Gosh.. An absolutely huge Thank You for considering mine as the MHO :) x
welcomed and i wish you all the best :)
My desire to have kids is always strong, marriage and a family is really my only reason among one or two others, for courting. And everything I do is to help and get me to the eventual end goal. That being said I am not educated enough ( college wise ) or financially stable enough to have a family so it will have to wait until I can actually provide for one.
nice!! i hope you will reach your goals!
None. Overpopulation is a real problem that is never talked about. We should be promoting safe sex especially in poorer areas so people stop multiplying as much. There are thousands of orphan children who need families to raise them but most parents are selfish and want to make their own mini-me instead of adopting.
so you prefer adopting rather than having your own kids?
I've never seriously thought about having kids. I think no one should even think about having kids until they have been fully financially stable for a number of years to support one. I'm not going to by a hypocrite and say I'll never have my own kids, but I think adopting is a great thing that few people consider outside of those who shoot blanks.
I agree 😔
Every once in awhile. Then it goes away when I see small children misbehaving or when I work with kids. So it's short lived lol.
lol i know how it feels
I saw a little girl at the salon yesterday throw a tantrum. I'm like nah I don't want kids lol.
A little more often these days. Age I reckon. And it sucks when you've got the house to yourself WAY too much. And I've wanted kids since I was 17 so.
aww i hope you will be dad soon
I only get it when I'm on YouTube watching baby videos.
But once I begin thinking about how much money having a baby will cost, the fever instantly goes away.
lol ikr!
The baby fever has been nippin at my heels for the past like month.
i know that feeling damn!
I have baby fever every month or so :)
I just wanna have one, but I can't because I'm too young and the future doesn't l
Look so bright.
awww :)
All the time. Got the job, car, house all taken care of. Just need to get to making some babies
its time for you an your so to think about kids
Just once or twice in my life. I have stronger urges to play with a baby. Luckily, I can satisfy that urge by playing with my cousins.
awww cute
Never. I have an 11 month old and she breaks it quickly
I've never had baby fever :D Ah you have a new display pic :) :)
yeah lol
I must mention, you are one hot zombie :D ;)
Every few months or so. Then my kids start fighting and ruin that. Where's the vodka? Haha!
*gives you some vodka*
Phew! Thank you. 🍹🍹🍹🍹
welcomed! :)
All the time. It's frustrating because I'm not ready for that yet.
Was I the only one thinking she meant a low grade fever? Lmfao
right now 10%
I'm really wanting a dog lately though.
lol at least you're having a dog fever
Never ever want kids... just the thought of it makes one scared of banging women.
I don't. Too many kids in my family already. My sister is about to have her 3rd child so there's gonna be a newborn in my arms again.
awww cute!
never i guess,
i know i'll have kids one day but i never go through moments when i really want a kid right now
Never had it yet. I'm sure I will in the near future though. 😊
Pretty often but I know that I can never handle that kind of pain. :|
oh man
Never had that feeling. If I'm destined to have kids then it'll happen and if not that's cool too.
i'd say often but I'm too young to have kids right now and I need to finish college
makes sense lol
Everytime I smell biscuits cooking as to me all new baby's smell of biscuits.
I've had baby fever since I was 18.
You're at a perfect age to have first baby actually.
oh... i have it kinda often
@Queen_naki5 I know. I wanted to have one by now. I'm giving myself 3 more years.
@ CHARismatic110 ; am sure you will!
Thanks babe!
LOL i think i get that like once every 2 months :P
me too lol! and sometimes more
when i see babies something just takes over my soul and i play out my whole unrealistic fairytale of a future in my head lmao
Everyday for the last few years... it sucks
i know it sucks -_-
havin kids isn't my intension :(
I've never had baby fever
@hawkeye92 why? :(
Never. I do want to hold a newborn and cuddle.
oh okay
I have it every once in awhile but, I'm too young.
All the time, babies are too cute
i agree! too cute!
Ugh, not now and ever.
I never do
I don't want kids
Every 21 seconds and 3 nanoseconds
woah lols!!
All the time:) I can't wait to have kids
I don't want any so far
Not very much why do you?
Fucking never.
At this point never
I don't want kids
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