Afraid to visit my cousins?

My family is going to New York during Christmastime to see a show, and we're planning on visiting my godfather and my two cousins. I love my cousins and my godfather, and I always love going to their house, but I'm a little reliculant to go visit this time.

I was practically raised with my cousins, we saw each other all the time until I we were about 5, 7, and 12 (I'm the youngest) and my godmother - their mother - got really sick, so my family, at that point my parents and my little sister and I, moved in with them. My godmother never did get better and we wound up living with the rest of the family while we all picked up the pieces and tried to go on with our lives, and after we moved out after a few months, we really didn't visit their house very much anymore. We went their occasionally, but they normally come visit us, and after each of my cousins turned 16, they stopped visiting cause they had shit to do, the last time I saw my oldest cousin was maybe a two ago, before he went to basic.

I really love my older cousins; he's the closest I ever had to an older brother and he was there for me when we were kids, regardless of how he was dealing with his own mother's death, and I really miss seeing him. I'm a little scared to go visit him and his family though, because my parents just told me that he's decided he wants to switch from reserve to active duty, and I'm really upset about that because I'm afraid he's going to get hurt or killed, and I'm honestly a little angry at him. Also, their house is exactly the same as when their mom died and I've always had a bit of trouble being around her stuff, but it's gotten worse recently.

Any ideas what to do?
Afraid to visit my cousins?
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