Some mugger aims a gun at you and your family. What will you do?

This may seem like a fairly obvious and stupid question to ask and I'm pretty sure what most of you folks would do in a situations like this here. This original question was directed towards men, but I just want to prove a point to some self-entitled idiots online so I'm asking the women here as well to get even more like-minded opinions.

Apparently, there are some ahem, "real alphas" who say that a real man and true alpha male will always use the opportunity to run and save his own life, and that "he can always find another woman and make more kids", and I absolutely lost my shit.

I don't know what world these redpillers live in, but this sort of behavior and mindset makes you look like nothing more than a wimp if you aren't even willing to consider laying your life for your spouse and children. Like even if you may get cold feet when actually faced with a situation like this, the need to defend your family would still be the default reaction for most people.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think.
Some mugger aims a gun at you and your family. What will you do?
Some mugger aims a gun at you and your family. What will you do?
29 Opinion