My parents keep putting me in the middle of their arguments?


My dad wants me to mediate. My mom wants me to hid stuff for her. My dad wants me to take his side and gets mad if I don’t. My mom vents to me and gives me the silent treatment/is passive aggressive if I tell her I don’t agree with her.

I’ve told them both how I feel and they say they’ll stop, but they don’t.

They are honestly the reason I have no friends. This was my biggest issues as a child, but I couldn’t tell anyone why I’d go to class sad. If I did, they’d tell their parents, who would tell other parents, then it would get back to mine and I couldn’t embarrass them like that. “Other people don’t need to know our business” they would tell me. So instead of hiding my issues, I hid myself. I never invited anyone over to my house because I was always afraid my parents would argue in front of them.

The newest issue (if anyone cares to read): my dad doesn’t like to give my mom money. So I have (read: she begs me) to pay for things sometimes. Today I paid for her to see an electrologist. My mom made us all install a tracking app on our phones so my dad saw that she left. He asked her where she went and she lied and told him that I was the one who went, not her. Well he obviously doesn’t believe her because the app shows that I was home. She wants me to turn off my location as “proof” and I told her it would tell him that I turned it off. Well now she’s mad at me and left the house for a bit. Didn’t even say goodbye or tell me she was leaving.

I can't afford rent right now as I don't make much. So any tips on how to deal with it please.

My parents keep putting me in the middle of their arguments?
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