I've noticed that a lot of Indians are rather closed-off people, is that cultural, or just something about the people I've met?

I've seen this to be true of a lot of Indians I've known over the years that they tend to play their cards pretty close to the vest. They haven't generally been very open people. I'm not even talking about especially personal things, but they just won't talk about personal things. There's a certain... caginess?

Like I remember this one time I knew an indian girl who I had been talking with for about a year. So one day we were talking about what we had each done to celebrate a holiday, so she told me that she travelled to [big city]. I knew she had also gone to [big city] earlier this year (mind you, I've known this girl for a little less than a year, so that's twice in the span of a few months), so I said "you seem to travel to [big city] a lot, do you have family out there or something?" And she immediately got defensive, said she didn't go there a lot and then refused to answer the question. She then asked me for details about what I did over the holiday, which I happily provided.

I understand how my question might be seen as a little nosy, but I also kinda don't see the big deal. I've known a number of Indians who behave this way though, Chinese as well, is this a cultural thing, or am I just rubbing people the wrong way?

That's cultural
Nah, it's something about the way you're interacting with them
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I've noticed that a lot of Indians are rather closed-off people, is that cultural, or just something about the people I've met?
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