Does anyone have children but regrets having them and is anyone 100% childfree by choice?


I can see why, with the state of the world and what an ugly place it is that people would not want to have children.

The living crisis is only getting worse and things will only just get more expensive. People struggle to get by alone so how will they give a good standard of living to a child, let alone two children. Children are very expensive.

This world is full of suffering and having a child in this ugly world means they’ll inevitably get hurt. I would most likely smother and spoil my children so much that it would only make it harder for them to deal with the atrocities and ugly face of this world.

There are separate concerns and dangers for having either daughters or sons.

When I hear incidences of school shootings, bullying at schools or children being murdered on the streets, it absolutely terrifies me. I wouldn’t sleep again if I had children. Sometimes children’s friends will get them into trouble too. We trust our children to be good but can we trust the world and the people they’re around?

Traditionalists believe the world is getting too modern so traditional people cannot control what kind of influence their child will be getting outside the home and how much influence will affect their child so there is no guarantee our children will become people we can say that we are proud of. We may love them unconditionally but it doesn’t mean we won’t be disappointed someday. Ceryain disappointments we can probably live with, but not all disappointments are acceptable to all people.

There is also no guarantee that your children will be able to give you company in old age, if a reason to have them is to avoid loneliness. Many children send their parents to old age homes and sometimes you may think you did everything right but your child hates you for some reason. Other times people abuse children but the kids turn out great. Nature is a roll of the dice.

If you have two children so they’ll have a companion, sometimes siblings hate each other.

Does anyone have children but regrets having them and is anyone 100% childfree by choice?
4 Opinion