Would you cut contact with millionaire narcissistic parents?

Let's say your parents are sadistic narcissists. Growing up, they'd physically and emotionally abuse you. They constantly put you down, encourage you to commit self harm, discourage and torment your own children, and do whatever they can to manipulate you into having the lowest self esteem. They also tell you how awesome your siblings are and how you're worthless and have no good deed to the family name.

But let's also say your parents' estate is worth millions. You know cutting them out of your life results in you being disinherited.

Would you do it?

For what it's worth, it's a true story, so I'm going anon.

I'll cut them out. Me and my wife and kids' dignity has no price!
Nah, I'll stick it out. Just endure the pain until I inherit their millions.
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5 mo
As an update, I voluntarily estranged myself from my parents and went no contact. My mom's immediate reaction was to disinherit me and she mailed me legal documents showing I'm removed from their will. She claimed I'll "regret" it and God will "get even with me".
5 mo
I learned from a relative today my parents hope their disinheriting me would make my children (their only grandchildren) suffer for the rest of their lives, all from my arrogance.
Would you cut contact with millionaire narcissistic parents?
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