Why truth tellers are label as Karen's now adays for telling the truth?


My aunt also business partner we were talking about how selfish my mom is for trying to make everything about her. My mom even called herself superstar and even said she sould always be the main character of gathering and situations. Now I am planning my aunts surprised brithday party. My sister over heard and went off on my aunt and I. I mean she was hysterical all because we spoke the truth. My sister at times she believes she's deserves the sepcial queen bee treatment. My sister believes that we should all put up with my mom's narcissistic abusive behavior my sister even forced and push the bookshelf and ot feel on top of us. My aunt and I are going tobe pressing charges against my sister my aunt fracture I have a fracture shoulder. My aunt and I now realized that my sister is my moms flying monkey. At times like this We haveto cut off family I even told my sister not to call me if mom dies my sister went off. After I had help her in hard situations with her house being huanted I am now starting to think maybe she could also be a witch. Now why on earth did she had a calabash in the guest room under the bed. I got some bad vibes from that thing I threw it out in the garbage my sister went not when she found out I threw it away. In my own house why didn't she wanted me to go in the guest room? And I wasn't being nosy I was just looking for the curling iron. Anyway ghosting ad the silence treatment is the peaceful way. Yet my soster called my aunt and me Karen for telling being truth tellers. Now I have a fractured shoulder.


Why truth tellers are label as Karen's now adays for telling the truth?
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