Guys, Is it normal for Teenage brothers to like their Sisters and hug them a lot / spend time with them a lot?

I guess I should emphasize if it is normal to like their sisters THIS MUCH. im just very confused about like, why he likes me so much. I know that might sound weird but lemme explain my logic

So i have many friends who have brothers, younger or older, and like, they pretty much all hate each other, or are just regularly indiffirent. Dont really do stuff together, have separate friend groups. Growing up i saw a lot of my girl friends fight with their younger brothers, and like, im talking brutal fighting like john wick would be scared. But even the ones who are okay with each other like, they still dont really wanna spend much time together, and if they have to do something for each other its always an annoyance, which i completly understand. Frankly, i expect that to be like that with my brother too, but it isn't.

My brother ever since i can remember has always been super interested in hanging out with me, and has been hugging me an absolute ton. Like im talking long long hugs multiple times a day and just telling me he is happy that he has me as his sister and just being very loving. I genuinely can't remember the last time he got mad at me or talked back. If i need anything, he would drop an open heart surgery to instantly help me / do it for me. He buys me little gifts here and there which are super thoughtful so not just random stuff. Like yesterday when i washed my hair he asked if i want him to comb it for me, which he knows i love because its such a hassle to do it alone because my hair is out of control when wet, and he sat there combing my hair for 20 minutes and then massaging my shoulders for another almost 40 while i just yapped. And its not like he was just tuning out my girl talk or forcing himself, he was actively listening and replying. Like what 16 year old guy wants to sit and listen to a girl yap about girl things for almost an hour

I know literally no one else who has a brother that acts like this, and its just confusing me. Is this normal?

2 d
Thanks guys for the answers. Im still not sure what makes it worth it for him to spend so much time on me but at least i got some interesting opinions on the subject from you all ^^
Guys, Is it normal for Teenage brothers to like their Sisters and hug them a lot / spend time with them a lot?
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