I think my cousin is mentally retarded?

My cousin is one year and 6 months old, he’s such a dumb ass here is why...

1. He wobbles when he walks.

2. He likes to wear his pajamas backwards, trapdoor front.

3. He loves looking at fish, picky back rides and his thumb.

4. He speaks in gurgles and partial words. He is also a bit fat and ugly.

5. Once when he was helping me feed his mums dog, he scooped the dog food and placed it on his head, then he did a weird dance then fell over due to his own clumsiness (this happened about a week ago).

6. His giggle is quite annoying and deep compared to other infants his age.

7. At the park he gave all the pigeons his cake then whimpered a bit because he realized that he has no more cake left.

He was feeding my cat and ferret, he started to carry the bag that was nearly as big as him, walked around then stepped in the 2 food balls thus switching them over. After that my cousin had an exhausted look on his face.

8. My 10 year old cousin screamed, my little cousin ran of for some reason.

9. At preschool a magician was brought in to show the kids magic tricks, the magician decided to make my cousin his assistant for his disappearing in the box trick. When the magician was doing the trick he placed my cousin inside the box. As the magician was talking you could hear giggling and see the box shaking, then he knocked the box over, fell out of the box and giggled stupidly. The magician was cranky at him, my cousin just looked at him and rudely said "what".

10. He was once sliding down a slide way too fast because he's a dumb ass, unfortunately my sister caught him. She should just let him hit the freaking concrete, now that would be very very funny.

11. One time I blew bubbles, my cousin thought one particular bubble looked like his older sister and said her name. He was trying to reach that particular bubble.
I think my cousin is mentally retarded?
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