A short explanation of what GRUNGE actually stands for

A short explanation of what GRUNGE actually stands for.

Ladies and gentleman, let me explain you why I disagree with the statement: "Grunge is making a comeback".

PS: This does not mean to offend anyone, it's just a little lesson. You can tag it under #NowYouKnow. Peace. ✌

Now let me get this straight.

Grunge is not a f*cking clothing style. Those pics that are posted on Tumblr/Weheartit/Pinterest when you type 'grunge' ? Far away from what grunge actually represents.

Grunge is everything trashy and out of fashion. Listen to bands like Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam or not that popular Nirvana songs (not from Nevermind. Something from Bleach or In Utero - f. e. Milk It, Very Ape, Tourettes...) Now that is grunge. Guitars out of tune on purpose, not very rhytmic sound, influenced by punk alternative rock and heavy metal maybe. It is a mix.

So when I explained what type of music grunge really is, let's move to clothing. (PS do not wear it and call it 'grunge' when u have absolutely no fucking idea about its music and just coz it's f*cking cool)

It was created in early 90's in Seattle also called as 'Seattle sound'.
Kurt Cobain (a. k. a 'grunge fashion icon') was born in Aberdeen in 1967. Aberdeen was a small town with people employed mostly in wood industry.
People in Aberdeen did never put an effort into their clothing. Since they were workers mostly. So did not Kurt. And when he came to Seattle, he was used to wearing these type of clothes - oversized faded plaid shirts, ripped blue jeans, damaged shoes (converse usually).
He was buying stuff in thrift shops.
And that style came with him, called 'grunge'. It wasn't fashion. It was : "fuck it I will wear whatever I'll pull out of my closet not caring if it's old or dirty".

No make up as you can see in those tutorials on youtube by beauty gurus.

No chokers or Martens or sh*t.

Greasy, messy hair.

Basically, homeless aperance that wanted to kind of let the world know that it is not important how they look or what they wear.

Music was the most important about grunge.

So NO, one huge f*cking NO to "grunge becoming a trend". F*ck those Tumblr pics, it is not what grunge truly represents.

I hope this message will be read by many people who believe that grunge is fashion
Have a nice day.

PS2: What the hell is 'soft grunge' ??

PS3: Stop wearing band tees is you have no idea who that band is.

A short explanation of what GRUNGE actually stands for
Post Opinion